Europe shares its rich cultural heritage and traditions of making cereals and cereal products, inseparable from high production, quality, and safety norms applicable to European food.
Cereal production in the European Union has boomed and has become today the third largest in the world with 306 million tones expected or 14.6% of global production. European Union produces and supplies a great variety of cereal products for everyday consumption.
The pursuit of a high level of protection of human life and health is one of the fundamental objectives of European food law regulations. Food business operators carrying out primary and further production shall comply with the general hygiene provisions specific requirements provided in regulations.
All food business operators shall adopt the following specific hygiene measures:
a) compliance with microbiological criteria for foodstuffs;
b) procedures necessary to meet targets set to achieve the highest quality and safety of the food;
c) compliance with temperature control requirements for foodstuffs;
d) maintenance of the cold chain;
e) sampling and analysis.
In order to ensure clean and safe raw materials for cereal production, specific requirements for primary production is set. It includes hygiene provisions and record keeping rules. Special regulation establishes provisions relating to maximum levels of pesticide residues in or on food of plant origin.
Further cereal food production processes shall meet general requirements for food premises, specific requirements in rooms where foodstuffs are prepared, treated or processed, transport and equipment requirements, food waste, water supply and personal hygiene.
Moreover, European regulations lay down rules on food additives used in foods ensuring a high level of protection of human health and a high level of consumer protection, including the protection of consumer interests and fair practices in food trade, the protection of the environment.
And finally European Union has especially strict requirements for genetically modified organisms (cereals) usage in preparation of foodstuffs. No person shall place on the market a GMO for food use unless it is covered by a special authorisation granted and such foodstuffs shall be subject to the specific labelling requirements.

Assortment cereal products:
• Cereal flakes
• Grits
• Porridges
• Sweet cereal snacks
Legal information:
Regulation on hygiene of foodstuffs
Regulation on materials contacting with food
Regulation on genetically modified organisms